Play Gym * Baby Discovery Set * Organic Sunscreen * Organic Baby Outfit * Sippy Cups * ABCD Onesie
The journey of being pregnant until now has been quite a ride! I’ve learned so much and yet there is so much more to learn! Its amazing that Lennox teaches me most of what I know. Our babies are fantastic little teachers! I made the decision to only eat organic and put organic products on my body right when I found out I had a bun in the oven! Its incredibly important to me that I keep my baby as healthy as possible and that started with what I put on and in my body when he was in my womb. Now I try my best to put Lennox in organic clothes– its not always easy, but when I come across an organic clothing line, I stay loyal to the brand! Now, when we broought Lennox home from the hospital I was so happy that we had receievd the Honest Co. Discovery Set as a gift from family. We were able to try their essential products that are all ORGANIC! Great baby shower gift. I highly recommend it. Lennox loves his Finn and Emma sailor play gym which is also organic, may I add 🙂 But I also have to be realistic… Not everything Lennox wears will be organic, and he won’t always eat the purist of foods. When he starts to go to school and wants to trade lunches OR visiting grandma and grandpa’s house like we just did. I had to adapt and so will Lennox. But while I am in charge and able to choose I will try my best… That’s all we can ask of ourselves!
So those are a few “organic” essentials that come to mind. I will continue looking and making lists to share! But I will promise to not get crazy and allow Lennox to wear clothes that aren’t organic like my favorite onesie at the moment! ABCD!!!
Until next time, have a good one!
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