Lennox is sleeping in his bedroom tonight for the first time since we brought him home. I’m sad. I can’t lie. I got so used to him sleeping in his bassinet beside us and it feels strange to know that he’s going to be in another room tonight. Of course I have mixed emotions about it. He is thriving, happy and such a good little boy. I know it’s time for him to create his own space, I know that. But it’s difficult for me… I cried a little as I fed him. Tears of joy and a little sadness- it feels like each phase brings me happiness and a little bit of sadness. I don’t want him to grow up, but then again, every day that passes he smiles more and laughs more and our bond grows stronger and stronger. It’s the most amazing feeling I’ve ever had in my entire life. When he and I lock eyes and we smile and laugh at each other I feel so full, I feel like I could burst.
I am so grateful for all these milestones. I am grateful for every day I get to look into this beautiful little boys eyes. Motherhood has brought out so many incredible emotions in me. Some fearful, others so incredibly elated it’s hard for me to even put words to it. I wouldn’t change this role, this job, this blessing for anything in the world.
Thank you Lennox for being the most amazing son I could ever ask for. I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Sweet dreams my love???
Follower from New Zealand – I really struggles with the thought of my daughter in another room but actually when it came to the night we did it it was fine! Everyone slept better and my partner and I could restablish our bedroom as our own. Of course having a baby monitor helps. Good luck 🙂
I know this is a hard time for you and I like many moms can relate. My kids often moved to their own rooms sooner than most at around 6-8wks. Friends suggested doing it early for many different reasons and it worked for us.
I admit it was hard thinking of my baby so far away (across the hall) and I did miss the little bassinet. But I also found comfort in the monitor because I could hear them. No video camera monitors in the late 90s. I also enjoyed a little freedom. I’m a night owl so I didn’t have to turn off the tv or lights so I wouldn’t disturb my baby. I didn’t have to worry about a sneeze waking them up. It may sound silly or even heartless but it was I also enjoyed it being just my husband and I in the bedroom again. We had our own time together and that was nice. So I’d focus on the positive.
I hope this helped a little bit. Hugs – Ashley
I really struggled the first time my son went into his own room. However, he slept well and had his arms straight out, which there wasn’t room for in his moses basket. You may be up every hour or two checking on him, but after the first night, it’ll be easier.
Thank you. It’s going well. Better than expected 🙂
Help! I just noticed this post, and I am going through the same thing, tonight. I have had a really hard time with it, but it’s time. However, my baby is also apprehensive, as she has cried all night in her crib. I have done my entire checklist of things to help, like a fully belly, and magic jumpsuit, etc. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Penelope will be 4 months tomorrow.
I wish I had more advice! Maybe try a dream feed? Lennox loves the Merlin suit, so we haven’t tried anything else recently.