You guys want real life, right?! I feel like I do a very good job of being honest and candid here- it’s very importnat to me. I don’t want to be one of those blogs that are just bright and shiny… They don’t make me feel good about myself. I want to be real… To have no filters. I want to be versatile and not just talk about fashion or babies or this and that… I want to talk about all of it! So here we go…
I was home in Arizona and had one of the most challenging weeks I’ve ever had. You can tell by these photos that I was obviously at a gas station because I needed gas! Well, this photo is fitting because I HAVE to fill up MY tank. I have run out of gas, literally and figuratively.
Lennox is a very good baby. He sleeps well, he’s incredibly happy, he usually eats well and he is the friendliest little booger ever. But, the past week he was more needy than he has ever been and it was intense… I was in Arizona helping out with some family issues and the timing of his major separation anxiety was just really difficult for everyone. I could not do anything without Lennox climbing and clawing at my legs, screaming and crying. Literally screaming! It was hard on me emotionally and physically- him too. I had to divide my time and allow him to cry, to crawl at top speed to me wherever I was… It hurt my heart to not be able to focus on Lennox 100% like I usually do. But, I know in the long run it is good for both of us… Simply said, I have run out of gas. I feel like a noodle, a balloon that has been deflated. Plain and simple, I need to fill up my tank again…
Rarely do I take the time to attend a yoga class, get a massage or better yet, meditate!! They say two minutes of meditation a day is wonderful for you, and I don’t even give myself that. Now that’s just silly! Two minutes, Amy! My body hurts as I’m sure ALL of your bodies hurt. Being a parent isn’t easy on us emotionally or physically. I wonder if my neck or my back will ever be the same? Will I ever be “kink” free? Anyway, I need to fill up my tank, I need to rejuvenate myself so I am the best version of Amy possible for my sweet little boy. He deserves that and frankly, I deserve it as well. Every day I put his needs ahead of mine, I am happy to do it and it is a priority. But once in a while I do believe we have to take time out for ourselves, to pamper ourselves just a tiny bit and take that time to fill up our tanks. How am I going to do that? Maybe a yoga class- I’d love that. I miss it so much. Maybe a massage? That’s a big gift to myself!! I want it! One lovely gift is this amazing diaper backpack. People stop me every day and ask about my Kerikit Bag. Why not pamper yourself with the most functional and adorable diaper backpack on the market?! AND, you better believe I’ll still be wearing this cutie once Len is outta diapers. ***Major bonus! Those are some ways I’ll be filling up my tank and pampering moi! I turned into a version of myself last week that I never want to see again. I had zero patience for Lennox, my family and even myself. I don’t like that version of Amy, and I need to do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn’t visit often. So, here’s to taking care of ourselves and doing what it takes to fill up our own tanks.
Have a wonderful day! Go get some gas!
1. #nofilter shirt 2. Bar necklace 3. Earrings 4. Diaper backpack 5. Gold sandals 6. Jeans
This Kerikit diaper backpack is on sale online at Nordstrom for a limited time only!! If you must have it, I suggest you going to HERE now before the limited edition is sold out. Like I said, it’s my absolute fave! Plus this bag goes with everything!!
1. #nofilter shirt 2. Bar necklace 3. Earrings 4. Diaper backpack 5.Gold sandals 6.Jeans
Thank you for posting this! It’s nice to see other moms out there be honest about the rough days, I can relate 100%!! I just thought to myself this morning how I constantly put everything before my needs which is fine because I’m a mom of a beautiful and sweet 18 month baby boy and a wife. But I also thought to myself I really need to do something for myself once in awhile, like a pedicure and manicure! Thank you for helping me realize how although I am a mom, it’s still so important to take care of myself and not feel guilty too! Xoxo
Weird question, but who takes pictures of you at the gas station while out of town? Also is 395.00 the sale price for the backpack? I clicked on your link and it doesn’t say its on sale, seems like the regular price to me. Thanks!
The bag is $395. Best purchase ever. Sorry if it was misleading. I never mentioned a price. She’s only in Nordstrom for a limited time. So I’d buy fast!