Bright signs learning… I have to admit I was skeptical at first. When Lennox was maybe 4 months old we decided that tv wasn’t for us, and that we would hold off on introducing any form of tv until after 2 years old. I never watch tv during the day if I’m at home, and I see no reason for Lennox to either. For me, I’d rather he play with his toys instead of putting him in front of the television- right now he’s totally into building blocks, water tables, animal friends and his play kitchen. Now, I’m not looking down on anyone who has introduced tv, I’m just sharing what we’ve decided to do and so far it’s working. So please don’t get upset… All this being said, a friend sent us Bright signs learning and Lennox is obsessed with the flash cards!!! He likes to spread them all over the floor and pick up them one at a time and look at them. When he “allows” me to hold one of the cards, we look closer at it and I tell him what it is. If it’s a shoe I show him his own shoes and I think he’s making the connection. Bright signs also has learning dvd’s that we will introduce later down the road. I love that our son has an interest in learning and I want to anything and everything I can to keep his hunger alive. He’s this little sponge soaking up the world around him, and I feel this enormous responsibility to provide him with all the tools he deserves to succeed in the world. We are also starting to tour nursery schools and I’m honestly overwhelmed. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t think this far ahead before I got pregnant or during… I just thought as far as having a healthy baby and probably sleep!!! Tangent- anyway, if y’all have any advice regarding preschool or learning tools at home please feel free to comment below. I love hearing what you have to say and friendly advice is always welcome!
Amy Davidson
1. bright signs 2. play kitchen 3. water table 4. building blocks 5. drums
1. mickey tee 2. skinnies 3.henley (40% OFF) 4. camo shorts 5.lightning hat 6. anchor mocs
1. bright signs 2. play kitchen 3. water table 4. building blocks 5. drums
1. mickey tee 2. skinnies 3.henley (40% OFF) 4. camo shorts 5.lightning hat 6. anchor mocs
1. bright signs 2. play kitchen 3. water table 4. building blocks 5. drums
1. mickey tee 2. skinnies 3.henley (40% OFF) 4. camo shorts 5.lightning hat 6. anchor mocs
So sweet !
I was the same with my (now 8) daughter and she basically doesn’t watch tv . She will watch a DVD occasionally but it’s rare !
That being said , I used DVDs to teach her sign language as a toddler . She didn’t need sign la gusher but I am French (we live in France) and the signs seemed like a good idea to introduce a new language so we started to watch the DVDs (30 mins) together every other day from age 18 months .
It totally didn’t drive her away from imaginary play or books etc it was like another “activity” together using tv as a tool .
Just saying that if you decided to introduce the DVDs before age 2, it wouldn’t be the same as allowing “tv” as a whole π
Thank you very much. I appreciate your comments and will definitely look into the DVDs! Please come back and keep enjoying the blog and contributing. It means a lot to me.