1. Milestone Pillow 2. Month Stickers 3. Glider Chair 4. Onesie 5. Blanket
My baby, my teeny tiny baby is now 7 months old! It absolutely blows my mind how quickly time has passed. I can truly say I have loved every second. Even the ones that were challenging, because they have helped me grow as a person, as a mommy and as a partner. My hubby and I have had challenges along the way, just like any other couple. But now that seven months have passed since I gave birth, since I rocked our 5lb baby to sleep, I can happily say that we are stronger than ever. What I’ve learned is that it takes communication, listening to each other and not being reactive. It’s so important to see each others point of view and come to a compromise if one is needed. Lennox has brought out a love for each other that we didn’t even know was possible. Our family of three, or five- we can’t forget Stanley and Sophie?? means the world to me. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect the ones I love. It’s more clear to me than ever before what true love really means. I am so incredibly grateful for all the blessings in our lives, and so incredibly grateful for all of the challenges. As I reflect on the past seven months, I laugh and I cry, I am sentimental about the days that are behind us and I’m excited for the days that are ahead of us. Thank you for listening! Please share with me any of your thoughts! I always love hearing them!
I received the best advice ever from my OBGYN while still in the hospital with our first, Matthew. He said ” Now don’t go home & be perfect parents, remember you have a marriage first, & the best parenting ever is to show your child the love of a healthy Marriage!” It is & has been my happiness in my marriage & parenting!
Love this post! My daughter Maven was born one day after Lennox and it has been fun watching your motherhood journey as well. This post is spot on. You’re right about this age bringing on all those emotions of missing the newborn stage. Rocking my daughter at night is the only time she will stay still and let me really snuggle her. Even though I have so many other things to do when she goes to bed, I often find myself tearing up and holding on a little longer because I know how quickly she’s growing and that these days are numbered.
What a strong connection raising a child brings to marriage and all the challenges definitely strengthen it. These sweet babes bring so many more blessings than we could have ever dreamed of.
Keep doing a wonderful and inspiring job, mama!