Oh Lennox, you have been four years old for one week. Is it my imagination or do you seem wiser and more self sufficient? You don’t really ask me to pick you up anymore and you want to do everything by yourself. You remember to say please when you order food at a restaurant ALL BY YOURSLEF. You are growing into such a kind and sweet hearted little boy but that does not surprise me at all. I knew you were a gentle soul when you were in my belly. You treated me well right from the beginning (I was only sick for one week) Thank you, buddy! Gosh, I must have said thank you to you 100 times a day and I swear you could hear me… I knew at that point that you would be an awesome, awesome kid!
I’ve been more emotional this birthday than any of the three before. I’m not sure why? Maybe because you’re not a baby anymore…😭 Although, you will always be my baby! Even when you yell at me, “I’m not a baby, mommy! I am a big kid!“ You will always be my baby… Lennox, you are the most amazing blessing that has ever happened to your daddy and me. Thank you for being kind, gentle, and so loving. Thank you for all the kisses you give me all over my face. One for my nose, my cheeks, the top of my head, my lips, my chin, my forehead, oh, and my earrings! You are so silly and so goofy. You are my sunshine. My son-shine. Happy Birthday, sweet Lennox! 4 looks good on you! 😘
Your cowboy birthday party was a great choice and you definitely made a cute “outlaw!” I absolutely loved celebrating you on your actual birthday! From the mini photo booth to the piñata and pin the tail on the donkey (the old school version like daddy and I played at kids parties🤪) to blowing out your candles, I am happy to say your party went off without a hitch! Thank goodness!!! 🥵🙌🏻🥳
You are my little love and you bring joy wherever your go…We♥️ you, baby boy! Happy, Happy Birthday!

🙂 Just wanted to say love everything about your sight thanks it’s nice to be excited about something again 🙂 Bless you, you’re an all around beautiful person
Love the site. Do you have any diet and exercise regimen you keep? You look great