On Monday around 5am, Lennox woke me up asking for water. It was a bit of an unusual request, but I didn’t think much of it as I was half asleep. I went down stairs, got his water bottle and then situated him back in bed. I started to snuggle with him for a few minutes when I realized he was burning up- Let me backtrack a little bit. The night before we were eating dinner a little later than usual, around 7:15pm. Lennox got a few bites in and then started dozing off right at the table. We thought it was our ski trip to Mammoth finally catching up with the little guy- none of us slept well while we were in the mountains and we were all pretty exhausted. I carried him upstairs, had him go potty and then brushed his teeth. He was already wearing sweatpants, a T-shirt and a long sleeve shirt and I didn’t want to wake him up even more, so I decided he could sleep in what he was wearing. So at 5am my first thought was he was simply overheated. I took off his sweatpants and his long sleeve shirt leaving him in underwear and a T-shirt. I grabbed the thermometer and his temp was 103.4. I stayed in bed with him for about 30 minutes monitoring his temp and watching it slowly go down. My husband and I decided to give him Tylenol regardless if it was a fever or he was simply overheated. Lennox fell back asleep and started softly snoring so I decided to go back to bed and grab a couple hours of sleep before we had to get ready for his first day back to school. When it was time to wake up, Lennox was all smiles and happy as usual. His temperature was about 99 but that’s not uncommon for him as he runs warm. We got dressed and ready for school like any other day. At drop-off, I explained to the teacher our early morning experience and she said it didn’t sound like a fever to her either and she’d let me know if anything were unusual at school. I went home for the couple of hours I have to myself, and prepared to get back into the swing of things. About 45 minutes later, the school calls me and says Lennox has a fever of 103, the chills and he’s laying in the office freezing. My mom guilt takes over. I get right back in the car and head to school to pick him up. The sweet little guy is again all smiles while saying, “Mommy, I’m so cold.” He explains that he told his teacher he was shivering so hard. As I look at this sweet little innocent soul, not only am I proud of him, but my heart is breaking that I didn’t catch this. That I didn’t automatically think, “this is a fever.” My son had a fever of 103…
We get in the car and go straight to his pediatrician. It turns out he has the flu and a pretty bad ear infection in one ear. The doctor keeps asking Lennox if his ear has been bothering him, and he keeps telling her no. I also have to tell you that he had a cough for about three weeks but never a fever, so my husband and I just decided to monitor it. (In December we were at the doctor twice for a cold and they kept saying there’s nothing to do because it’s just a virus.) A couple days before we headed up to Mammoth we had a conversation about whether or not Lennox should go to the doctor. Again, because this cough was never accompanied by a fever, we continued to give him Manuka honey and vitamins. The doctor thought the change in pressure from being high up in the mountains and coming back home to sea level could be the culprit for the ear infection. Who knows how he got the flu? Ain’t flu season fun???
I know little ones get sick all the time. I know it’s really hard to tell exactly what’s going on with their bodies when they can’t fully tell us yet. I accept that. But there was something about this time he got sick that really upset me. I was upset with myself. I talked to a few friends who made me feel a bit better. They reminded me that kids catch everything and how are we always to know? That schools are a petri dish and it’s good for them to get sick and strengthen their immune systems. I’m grateful for my community, my loving friends and these awesome parents I’m surrounded by. I don’t know what I would do without you guys. You know who you are…
It turned out that Lennox was only home from school for three days and is now happier than ever. We’re almost done with antibiotics and definitely on the mend. What I’ve learned through this experience this time around, is to not be so damn hard on myself. To trust my mommy instincts even more and give myself grace when I’m not perfect. Does this sound familiar to any of you? Are you also very hard on yourself? If you said yes, let’s do this together. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back and some grace! We should be proud of how much we love our littles and how we do everything in our power to keep them safe and happy. It’s 2020. Let’s start some new habits and be gentler with ourselves. I’m talking about myself here, but if you’re in the same boat, I’m happy to support you as well.
Thank you for reading this post. Please share your stories and advice in the comments if you feel so inclined.
Amy ♥️

Amy, we are going through something similar although we suspect it could be more serious. We about to go to the ER.
Glad Lennox is okay.
Continuous feeling of mom fail on this side of the pond.
Thanks for sharing
Michelle x
You are a WONDERFUL mom and Lennox is lucky to have you! As a mom, I can tell you I have been in the same boat. It’s part of life. Being a good mom is hard work because we NEVER want a sick child ! I so enjoy following you and hearing your daily activities! I love seeing HAPPY families! You get out of life what you put into it ! Keep up the GREAT work !
Hi Amy,
You shouldn’t feel any mom guilt for a sick little one. Kids are resilient, they bounce back quickly, and they can be very tricky to gauge.
My only advice for you is this, trust your instincts, you are a mom with super powers. You will always know what’s right for your child. Oh, and one more thing, give yourself a break, you are a wonderful mom who only gets better with every passing day!
Take care,
As a child I used to get ear infections all the time. They really hurt, and I can remeber the “popping” sounds in the ear. My mom had me on antibotica and had me put my ear on a hot water bottle. I even had one on vacation. Your doing just fine.
Oh how scary for you. I would have felt the same way. I do that all the time. I put so much pressure on myself to know exactly how Nash is and constantly worrying if his cough, sniffle means anything. And then when he gets real sick, I’m a mess, I literally can’t function until he is better. Why do they have to get sick? It’s so stressful. And it’s all because we love them sooooooo so much it hurts. I’m so glad Lennox is feeling better now. You are a wonderful Mummy! Love Amber xx
Hi Amy,
Our children are sent to test us I’m sure? One moment bouncing around full of joy and happiness the next quite the opposite which presses our buttons for allowing our little one to be poorly and we failed to see it coming.
You have shown us just what a loving super mum you are but a little too sensitive at times when it comes to blaming yourself for all of Lennox’s ills, he will keep “testing” you even to his teens and beyond. Accept the fact that as long as you are there for him and it not being in any way your fault you become an even better super mum than you are.
Hope your all well and “L” is over his Flu, which is a year round illness depending on the strain FYI,
Thinking of you guys.
Oh Amy, my dear, I remember those days. Our middle guy was always quiet, so it was difficult to gauge how he was feeling. I remember one time he was extra quiet. Took him to the doctor, who promptly admitted him to hospital, and tented him for pneumonia. Talk about Mom Guilt! Thankfully, the hospital allowed me to stay with him. When his pediatrician came in he also sent ME for chest x-rays, then put him and me in a room together while we both recovered from pneumonia.
Sending lots of love your way.
~ Donna Isnor
Congratulations Amy — you’re a mom! Every first-time mother goes through this exact same thing. As much as you know today, you still have new things to learn. Never trash yourself for not already knowing these things. You learn, you grow, and you get better with every passing day. Believe it!
Do not worry that you overreacted, you did the right thing Amy!