Gardening is something I thoroughly enjoy! It relaxes me and makes me happy. I love the concept of “growing” something. Nurturing it, watering it and watching it flourish. PS. I talk to my plants. I SWEAR they love it! Give it a try 🙂
I think I got my green thumb from my grandma. I remember going into her backyard and watering her garden full of bright tomatoes, flowers and a variety of fruits and vegetables. As a kid, I had no clue how much I would enjoy the same ritual she did! That makes me so happy now that I am older…
My dad has a pretty good green thumb as well. I feel like anything he plants grows and multiplies like crazy!! He has new plants popping up everywhere!! Its fun to have something so pure in common with my dad. We love talking gardening 🙂 He has some great tips as well. For his succulent plants, he swears by using Cactus Juice. I need to give that a try..
This summer our plants thrived like crazy! I made so much tomato sauce!!! What else do you do with a zillion tomatoes? I’d love to hear other recipes!
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I sauteed about ten tomatoes. Added olive oil, italian herbs, lemon basil (yumm) tumeric- This spice is very good for you, kale, ground lean turkey, salt and pepper. Then season to taste!
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I found Lemon Basil at the farmers market this summer. I had never had it before. It smells AND tastes like lemon! It made this dish exceptional!
Now that the weather is finally cooler, I’ve planted my winter garden… We went to Armstrong Nursery a few weekends ago, one of my favorite things to do! I swear I could spend all day there… We bought some great winter vegetable plants; cabbage, cauliflower, onions, garlic- which I learned are supposed to keep bugs away! I am going to put one garlic plant in each pot. We will see if it does indeed keep those pesty bugs away from my plants!!
Do you have a garden?? I would love to hear your gardening tips! Please share with all of us 🙂
to answer your bug problems, this might be a good website for you to read if you can find a site to translate it from dutch to english. I can do it for you, but it will take some time, so if you want me to do it (dutch is my native language), give me a week, and you’ll have it in english.
Plants are naturally capable of defending themselves against parasites, they change smell and such, and if you plant them near lice-sensitive plants like roses, thyme, lavender, mint … bugs won’t be a big issue because of the smell. And this is just a fraction of all the tips this particular website is talking about, so really worth reading for green thumbs like yourself 🙂
just let me know if you can’t find a proper translator, it would be a privilege and no trouble at all for me 🙂
toodles!!! xxoo fh
3 Sprinkle the bottom of the pre-cooked pie shell with chopped onion. Spread the chopped tomatoes over the onions. Sprinkle the sliced basil over the tomatoes.
I love orzo pasta salads and this one is top notch! I added in artichokes, tomatoes, chickpeas, and feta cheese. The chickpeas added a nice “crunch” with the creamy feta. Plus, they are a good source of protein. The lemon basil dressing was super easy to make. I combined all of the ingredients in the blender and had a wonderful dressing in seconds. I poured the dressing over the salad and stirred it up.