Sorry, not sorry… What does that mean to you? Well, I bought this hat because I’m just getting tired of apologizing for certain things, like speaking my mind or having an opinion. For having a bad day, or a good day, or for actually being happy- maybe around someone who is in a funk or always in a funk… I find that a lot of times people don’t like when you share your opinion if it doesn’t match their’s. I guess I just don’t have time for BS anymore is what I’m saying. What do I even mean by that? Well, my family is number one. Raising a happy and healthy child is the most important thing to me. Don’t get me wrong, I still get way in my head and marinate on stupid shit often, but that is exactly my point, and that is exactly what I am starting to tackle. I find that I let things go a lot quicker than I used to, and if I don’t gel with someone then I don’t gel with someone and it’s ok. It’s not the end of the world and quite honestly, there are so many good people out there that if someone doesn’t like your honesty then it’s OK. I will always apologize and be sorry if I have done someone wrongly, of course, but what I’m talking about is that, “Oh I’m so sorry! Oh I’m so sorry for this and I’m so sorry for that” BS. I’m talking about being an, “I’m sorry” person. Are you that person? Have you done that? Do you do that? I just don’t want to be the, “I’m sorry” girl anymore. It’s like someone who overuses, “I love you.” So as I commit to my truth, and speaking my mind in a confident way, I promise to be held accountable for my actions and the type of person I’m being. I would rather someone always be honest with me versus sugarcoat. I guess I view “I’m sorry” as a version of sugarcoating and who has time for that anymore? Let’s just lay it all out there and be real with each other and be happy. Right?! Anyway, sorry, not sorry! Lol And who doesn’t want to wear a cute pink trucker hat anyway?! Hope you have an awesome week ahead! Xo
1. trucker hat 2. yoga pants 3. sports bra 4. water bottle 5. sunglasses 6. yoga mat
1. flips. 2. nail color 3. earrings. 4. rings
1. trucker hat 2. yoga pants 3. sports bra 4. water bottle 5. sunglasses 6. yoga mat
1. flips. 2. nail color 3. earrings. 4. rings
1. trucker hat 2. yoga pants 3. sports bra 4. water bottle 5. sunglasses 6. yoga mat
1. flips. 2. nail color 3. earrings. 4. rings
Oh thank you so much for sharing!
I use to be that Gurl still can be if I’m seeking validation from an outside source…and that’s taken 30+ years to figure out with the last ten really focused on starting to heal the wounded me!
It’s wonderful to trust my intuition now and apologize for something I’ve done rather than apologizing for who I am.
Hope you’re having a great Monday!
Deep Love & Rich Blessings
Amen sister! I can totally relate and finally had to put my foot down and say enough is enough, I don’t need to be sorry all the time. Life is what it is and you just gotta ride it no apologies necessary. Be you and love it!
Keep on sharing…cheers!
I am dealing with that on twitter I have a hard time I want people to like me I have bipolar and I think its part of my illness I say I’m sorry all the time I’m working on not beating myself up all the time thanks for your blog it helps