I use bad language here so if you are going to be offended I would stop reading now…
Aging happens to everyone right? Or am I fucking crazy?? Every day we are ALL getting a little bit older and our faces are losing collagen and wrinkles are going to happen!! Do I live in an alternate fucking universe where some people think just because you happen to be on TV and in the public eye that you should hide the natural aging process? Or that wrinkles shouldn’t happen? Have I done Botox? Hell yes I have! And I love it! But my job also requires me to be able to move my face. Those lines that you see are from A LIFETIME of experiences – good, sad, extraordinary, debilitating, painful, glorifying, happy, exhilarating, you get my point. They are from endless tears of mourning the deaths of loved ones. They are from laughing my ass off at John Ritter and his same jokes day after day… Gee, thanks John.😉 They are from seven years of trying to conceive and ultimately resigning to the fact that in-vitro was our path. They are from laughing and being silly and goofy with my son, who also happens to be one of the funniest people I know. They’re from over thinking and analyzing stupid shit! They’re from sleeping on my side and smooshing my face because I can’t fucking seem to stay still and lie on my back for a whole nights rest. Which brings me to sleep. You get wrinkles from not getting enough rest and I happen to be a pretty shitty sleeper. AND I stay up too late!
If I’m going to use this blog as a positive platform, I want to talk about the real shit. We all get fucking wrinkles! I’m sorry, I don’t want to be addicted to plastic surgery and become terrified of the aging process. Does getting older scare the shit out of me?! You bet it does! But I’m trying my best to age gracefully and enjoy this fucking ride. Am I going to do Botox again at some point? Yes! I am!👍🏻 The reason I’m even taking the time to write this is I’m so sick of women bashing women, mom shaming, the wrinkle police… I would love to see females truly supporting each other and lifting each other up. Sure, my rant is about wrinkles and it’s vain and whatever. But this woman’s comment was unnecessary and it was mean spirited and I don’t want to deal with that shit. The world can be cruel enough, why would you intentionally want to say something unkind? When I comment on posts I always say something kind and supportive. I would never want to contribute any negativity. I know I’m going off on a bunch of tangents, but all these thoughts I’m spewing are coming from a place of love.
I’ll wrap this up by saying this- What if we take a moment to actually look in the mirror and see someone beautiful looking back?? Look without judgement. I know, that’s a tough one sometimes, but try and see what’s below the surface whether there are wrinkles or not. Whether there’s a huge zit on the tip of our nose or perfect porcelain skin. Our Imperfections are what make us unique! Imperfection is perfect. Dammit!
Love to you all.
I’m going to bed. My throat hurts and I can’t stop coughing. Xoxo
Oh wow, this just made me love you even more. Screw that salty bitch!
Bahahaha!! Thank you for being here and reading!
This post is spot on amazing. I’ve just turned 40 and have a similar amount of wrinkles. Unfortunately I have every dry skin (hypothyroid) so whilst I got through my teen years without spots, my sacrifice is wrinkles. I’m also infertile and going through the adoption process here in the UK. I work in the performing arts Industry which as you know are ridiculously unsociable hours and my sleep pattern is off the charts . I use creams every day with not much effect .but I have come to look in the mirror not at my eye wrinkles but Into my eyes and my soul and I absolutely know that it’s a beautiful, strong and badass woman who would never put another woman down for how they look, raise their children, judge their jobs, what they wear etc .We are so all in this together – how do so many people not get this?
Lotsa love Amy from a long time 8 si.ple rules fan girl!
Sending so much love your way! Best of luck with your adoption! Children are the greatest blessing. Thank you for reading and sharing 🙏🏻❤️
Well said Amy. Growing older is natural and a few wrinkles don’t hurt. : ) x
Thank you! Agreed
Amen, you are so right Amy!
Thank you!
You are awesome. That is all.
Aweee. Thank you.
Always read your blog and your openess is a real breath of fresh air. The honest side of you through up and down is what makes you stand out. Thanks for the blog and standing up for all the moms with story lines.
Thank you! Your message really means a lot to me. Honesty is everything!
The only “women” who dog other women are the ones with envy in their hearts. If they came from a place of love they would have commented on your brilliant, witty charm. Keep on shining!
So kind. Thank you!
I’ve always thought that people who fear and police the aging process are people who have never loved someone who died young. My dearest friend was killed by a drunk driver when we were 19. I would do anything to see his wrinkled, middle-aged face and gray hair now. And I’m grateful for each of the lines on my face now because the alternative is…what, exactly? Our culture’s focus on youth is messed up.
Botox isn’t good for you- and honestly Amy you don’t need it. Just be in love with who you are right here and right now. I know words hurt! And what other people think of us yes it hurts to because we are human. But all the great joys you have experienced make you who you are and what you wrote expresses that beautifully. Ps it’s so cool you got to work and know John Ritter! I’m sure he is looking down loving the person you are today!
Thank you. Thank you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻