This post is in partnership with Bosch home appliances, but all thoughts are my own.
Before we started our kitchen renovation, everywhere I looked things were falling apart. The microwave handle had just broken off, the door on the dishwasher fell open unless it was locked and the fridge literally died the DAY our new Bosch appliances arrived. How’s THAT for timing?! I was honestly nervous that our old dishwasher would bust open during a cleaning cycle and flood the kitchen—one flood is enough, y’all! So, when we chose our new Bosch kitchen suite, I knew the appliances would deliver the quality we could trust. Research! Research! Research! Plus, it’s so pretty to look at!
Now when I look around at our new kitchen and see gorgeous appliances that are not only sleek and beautiful, but also family friendly, I can’t help but smile from ear to ear! I guess I didn’t realize that was possible? Before we had Lennox, I thought I’d have to sacrifice beauty for baby-friendly. I had visions of a kitchen that was always messy (it still is
), crayon all over the walls, fingerprints everywhere and a padlock on the “broken” dishwasher so the baby would be safe. It’s fair to say I was spinning out a bit!
One very special person who helps bring me back to reality is my dear friend and interior designer, Cynthia Soda. Having her opinion and helping us choose the very best appliances for our home was so important to me. She creates beautiful living spaces for her clients, day in and day out, so her guidance was greatly appreciated! Here is what Cynthia had to say about Bosch:
“What I like about this kitchen suite for you is the fact that the appliances are not only sleek and integrateperfectly into your overall kitchen design, they also feature advanced cooking, cleaning and refrigeration technologies. Plus, there are so many user-friendly features that help make life in the kitchen easier, like adjustable glass shelves in the fridge, a QuietCloseoven door and an InfoLight on the dishwasher that shines on the floor so you know it’s running and don’t accidently open it in the middle of a cycle—the risk is high with a unit so quiet!”
(Side note: Cynthia is sooooo right! I’ve almost opened my 100 Series dishwasher mid-cycle a few times!!)
Well friends, I am happy to report that my perception about having to sacrifice beauty and sleek appliances for a kitchen that is “baby/kid friendly” was incorrect! You canhave it all… Bosch has thought of everything. Our oven has a safety lock which is the MOST IMPORTANT feature for me. The 100 Series dishwasher has hidden controls so wandering little fingers don’t accidentally start it. And, the appliances are basically magic because they don’t show ANY fingerprints and everything works perfectly, every time. Hallelujah! Who knew having it all IS possible! Now I’m off to put the groceries in the fridge, prepare dinner, unload the dishwasher and hopefully eat before my food gets cold!
I know, wishful thinking on the cold food part!
The new kitchen set up looks great, Amy!
Love your blogs!!!